The flashy home of an impish little devil on the web.
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This site uses iframes, JavaScript, and has a few pages
containing autoplaying sounds or music. (Pages with autoplay are marked accordingly.) Not every page on this site
is optimized for mobile, so device compatibility may vary.
10.20.24 - New domain! is now! (This means I actually need to start posting more art now.) I also made a Bluesky account!
6.1.24 - Sorry for the inactivity! I've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately and I've kind of neglected this site. I promise to get some updates to you soon!
3.27.24 - If I'm being honest, I already want to completely overhaul my website lol; Thus is the curse of learning quickly. There's so many new tricks I've learned that I want to utilize but I can't exactly do that with my current site's layout. We'll see. Regardless, it's my website and no one can tell me what to do! :3